If you are having trouble budgeting your monthly salary to meet your personal needs or the financial needs of your family, or if you are faced with an emergency that would require money fast, or you are simply at a loss on how to save up to purchase something you have always wanted, you may avail of a payday cash loan A payday cash loan is a short-term loan you can avail yourself of without worrying about your financial history. This is usually available from various financial institutions, but you can inquire if your company offers this as a service the employees.
Applying for a payday cash advance from a financial institution has some requirements you would need to meet. You need to be at least 18 years of age to be eligible for the loan. You need to have an existing checking account existing for at least 90 days before you can qualify. You need to be employed for at least 6 months and receiving a certain amount per month. This amount is usually $ 1,000. If your application is approved, your money would be deposited directly to the account.
Application can be done through online registration, phone-in of fax. Approval of application takes about 24 hours, and once it is approved the money is automatically transferred to your account the next banking day. The actual duration of the transfer may vary depending on your bank, since banks have different banking schedules.
To pay for the loan, you will issue post-dated checks to the lending financial institution, thus the need for a checking account. In the event that payment is not feasible for a particular month, request can be forwarded to the lending company. There would be charges for every extension, but extensions are only granted for three times since payday cash loans are designed to be short term only.
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